Center for Climate Studies 2024

Kathmandu, Nepal

This short course is an initiative of the Planet Pulse and The Good Leadership, is the outcome of over 7 months of study, learning and planning based on the shared expertise of a committed group of young professionals in the field of climate change and development. The course is designed to engage and empower 15 youths (15-24 years) of different diversities with knowledge of Climate Education, SDGs, and Advocacy. The scope of #ACTNOW, it's urgent at global, regional, and local levels will be examined.

The course provides knowledge about different terminologies related to climate science and further includes a critical review of indigenous knowledge and practices. Participants will develop their understanding, and knowledge on devastating effects of climate change and its interlinkages with biodiversity loss, air pollution and unsustainable food systems.

You will get an opportunity to learn, network and grow in the field of Climate Science for which we will be including following topics:

Terminologies on Climate Science, Nepal and its position in climate change ,Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environmental problems, Biodiversity, Climate Action related advocacy spaces like COP, SB60, NDCs, NAPA/LAPA, Climate Finance etc. Guest speakers (some climate activists at the ground and global space). One Health, Climate Activism and Climate Education at community levels (Way-forward)

Date: 5, 6, 13 July 2024

YouthCapacity BuildingClimate ActionSDGs



